18th birthday wishes

What's the best message for 18th birthday?

18th birthday wishes
I couldn’t imagine growing up with a better friend; you know just what to say to bring my spirits up. Good times or bad, you’re always there. Wishing you a beautiful day and happy eighteenth!
It’s impossible to calculate how much joy you’ve brought us over the past 18 years. We couldn’t be prouder of the woman you’ve become.
Happy 18th birthday from mom and dad! We couldn’t have wished for a daughter to have turned out any better than you!
Having a pretty and beautiful cousin sister is a blessing I usually count twice. I wish you a life full of happiness and good health as you turn 18 years.
I say welcome to adulthood, yesterday’s baby! Today, I am now an adult. Hurray!!! Happy 18th birthday to me!
Happy 18th birthday! You’re an adult now. Now you can do everything legally you’ve been illegally doing since you were a kid.
My well-wishes are always there for you. May you keep growing and celebrating. Happy 18th birthday dear cousin.
On your 18th birthday today, my sweet girl, I want to remind you to always follow your dreams and never give up on what you believe in. Happy birthday, dear.
Today sees you turn 18 years of age, my beautiful niece. Happy birthday! Watching you grow up has been one of life’s greatest pleasures for me.
We must have done something right to raise such a wonderful, thoughtful, strong young man.
Wishing myself a joyous birthday full of God’s amazing blessings. Happy 18th birthday to myself. Yay! I’m an adult already!

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