Tracy Chapman

American singer, songwriter

Tracy Chapman quotes

If you find yourself humming the tune of “Fast Car,” then there’s a good chance that Tracy Chapman quotes are for you. The multi-award-winning singer-songwriter has had an illustrious music career with her thought-provoking songs and folk-filled tunes. Her music career has spanned three decades, and she has tried to use her influence as a celebrity to boost social activism causes. She is known for eschewing all forms of social media and does not own a smartphone, but that hasn’t stopped her from making a significant impact on the world through her lyrics and soul-filled music. Tracy Chapman quotes are inspirational and indeed something to treasure as she continues to make a mark on the world.


Inspirational Tracy Chapman quotes

Tracy Chapman quotes
"Baby Can I Hold You"
- Tracy Chapman
I never assumed I would have that commercial success, so it was a total surprise. And honestly, I never assumed that it would ever happen again.
- Tracy Chapman
Everyone is looking for connections between the songs. I don't usually approach a record as a concept. There's no overriding theme I'm trying to represent. It's all about the individual songs.
- Tracy Chapman
Love's a recurring theme through my work.
- Tracy Chapman
When you feel like you've had a good show, you go backstage and you talk to yourself about it, and if you have a bad show you talk to yourself about it.
- Tracy Chapman
I love living in California and being able to go to the beach or go to the woods.
- Tracy Chapman
I learn all these things about the record talking about it after it's finished.
- Tracy Chapman
I often write either really early in the morning, or really late at night.
- Tracy Chapman
I really love playing music with other people. It's more fun to be on the road with others. It's kind of lonely out there when you play on your own!
- Tracy Chapman
I end up writing about all kinds of things. I never make an attempt to write about anything in particular. I don't have a little list of topics to write about.
- Tracy Chapman
As a child I always had a sense of social conditions and political situations. I think it had to do with the fact that my mother was always discussing things with my sister and me - also because I read a lot.
- Tracy Chapman
Some things remain fragments, just the lyrics and melodies or a line or two or a verse.
- Tracy Chapman
I'm still thinking and hoping there's an opportunity for people to have better lives and that significant change can occur.
- Tracy Chapman
Growing up in Cleveland, I learned about singing from my mother, who had once sung professionally and who admired Mahalia Jackson and Aretha Franklin.
- Tracy Chapman
I meet people in my daily life, people who seem to experience some change and some growth on a personal level, and that gives me hope.
- Tracy Chapman
I dressed up as a veterinarian for a Halloween costume party. I had the lab coat. I got a couple of stuffed animals for patients and put bandages on them.
- Tracy Chapman
Songwriting is a very mysterious process. It feels like creating something from nothing. It's something I don't feel like I really control.
- Tracy Chapman
After it's finished, sometimes I can trace a path that goes back to the possible source of inspiration.
- Tracy Chapman
I don't want someone to squeeze me, that might take away my life. Just want someone to hold me, and we'll rock through the night.
- Tracy Chapman
I'm not sure about anything as far as religion and spirituality go.
- Tracy Chapman
We have more media than ever and more technology in our lives. It's supposed to help us communicate, but it has the opposite effect of isolating us.
- Tracy Chapman