Romantic Valentine´s day love quotes and sayings
Everyone knows the three most important words a man can share with a woman are “please go shopping.” And women long for those words, because they just love shopping and being among beautiful things.
Women are more sentimental, though, and realize that the three words a man wants to hear before dinner each night are “pizza and beer.” Mingled somewhere with sentiments about the things lovers find the most humor in, and annoyance with, are thoughts in Valentines day love quotes that share how hopelessly a lover would be without the other person.
Thoughts in quotes for Valentines share not only the promise someone makes to forever love another individual, but also the depth of that passion. The infatuation is shared with expressions that include a lover’s pledge to always be there for a partner even when a man is forced to watch a “chick flick” and a woman has to pick up her man’s underwear from the kitchen floor.
Love is often characterized by a large red heart. And the words included in Valentines Day love quotes can be deep in expressing the love two people possess for each other. Because for those in love, every day is Valentines Day and their passion represents the things that they both love about each other and the habits that drive them crazy.
What's your special Valentine's day message for your partner?