Abram Hoffer
Canadian biochemist, physician, psychiatrist
If the patient has been to more than four physicians, nutrition is probably the medical answer.
- Abram Hoffer
B3 could cure schizophrenia. You would think.
- Abram Hoffer
Drugs make a well person sick. Why would they make a sick person well?
- Abram Hoffer
It takes approximately forty years for innovative thought to be incorporated into mainstream thought. I expect and hope that orthomolecular medicine, within the next five to ten years, will cease to be a specialty in medicine and that all physicians will be using nurition as an essential tool in treating disease.
- Abram Hoffer
I'm not sure what Essiac does to extend cancer survival, and for all we know it may not have this effect. On the other hand, it's not toxic and my patients have reported feeling good while taking it, so why not support them?
- Abram Hoffer
For schizophrenia, the recovery rate with drug therapy is under 15%. With nutritional therapy, the recovery rate is 80%.
- Abram Hoffer
Double-blind clinical trials are for the birds.
- Abram Hoffer