Katharine Hepburn

American actress

Katharine Hepburn quotes

If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead, get married.
- Katharine Hepburn
If you obey all of the rules, you miss all of the fun.
- Katharine Hepburn
If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased.
- Katharine Hepburn
Afraid of death? Not at all. Be a great relief. Then I wouldn't have to talk to you.
- Katharine Hepburn
Life can be wildly tragic at times, and I've had my share. But whatever happens to you, you have to keep a slightly comic attitude. In the final analysis, you have got not to forget to laugh.
- Katharine Hepburn
I don't think that work ever really destroyed anybody. I think that lack of work destroys them a hell of a lot more.
- Katharine Hepburn
Live dangerously. There's a lot to be said for sinning.
- Katharine Hepburn
I believe how I act today will affect how I am tomorrow.
- Katharine Hepburn
You politicians remain professional because the voters remain amateur.
- Katharine Hepburn
Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get – only with what you are expecting to give – which is everything.
- Katharine Hepburn
I don't care what is written about me as long as it isn't true.
- Katharine Hepburn
Why slap them on the wrist with feather when you can belt them over the head with a sledgehammer.
- Katharine Hepburn
My father, a surgeon and urologist, studied sex professionally all his life. Before he died at 82, he told me he hadn't come to any conclusions about it at all.
- Katharine Hepburn