Vince Lombardi
American football coach
Famous Vince Lombardi quotes
"Gentlemen! This is football"
Powerful Vince Lombardi quotes and sayings
Vince Lombardi was arguably the greatest NFL coach in the history of football, and he continues to be honored each year when the winner of the NFL Super Bowl is awarded the Vince Lombardi Trophy. His innate ability to motivate and inspire his players as head coach of the Green Bay Packers in the 1960s has led to a legacy devoted to hard work, dedication, and determination.
Lombardi was an essential leader who taught us by example that when you put in the necessary work and effort, success will follow. Many great leaders may get results, but they do so at the expense of putting others down or instilling fear in their subordinates.
Vince Lombardi did neither, and he achieved results through his contagious spirit, enthusiasm, and drive for positive results. In our daily lives, we can either be true leaders who provide encouragement and foster an environment of teamwork and mentorship, or we can lead through creating a pervasive sense of hierarchy. Once we begin to focus our minds on the traits involved in successful leadership, they will slowly become second nature and will become an essential part of our being.
Vince Lombardi’s timeless quotes remind us that we can be as great as we strive to be, and that reaching for success in the face of obstacles ultimately builds courage and strength of character.