Funny political quotes
Great political jokes
Although politics is typically viewed as a serious business, it is certainly not without its share of gaffes, jokes, and funny quotes that satisfy our desire to poke fun at public political figures. It is especially humorous because many political quotes tend to be served with a side of satire, that wink of the eye, when the joke is far-fetched but actually contains a hint of reality.
When things are especially tense in the political arena, it can help to turn to some of the humorous political quotes and sayings that have been uttered throughout history. Politics is known to be a controversial subject, one that people tend to shy away from in casual conversation. However, if you find yourself in the center of a heated debate, it can be helpful to draw some inspiration from political quotes with a touch of humor to lighten the mood.
When the political environment gets to be too much to handle, especially in election years with long campaigning efforts, endless debates, and daily polling data, ease the tension by turning to the lighter side of politics and remembering a few of your favorite funny political quotes. It may help you to forget about the serious side of politics for a minute, and remember that whatever your political leanings are, we are all in this together.