Funny inspirational quotes
Funny inspirational quotes and sayings about life
Everyone loves a good laugh. The power of laughter can bring solace to the hurting, defuse tense situations and further brighten an already happy occasion. Perhaps, this is why funny inspirational quotes are often as respected as those that evoke deeper and more serious thoughts?
Inspirational quotes laced with humor can provide an individual with a good chuckle, while these witty quips also challenge individuals to examine their lives and strive to achieve greater things.
Humor found through inspirational quotes can also help people encourage others to improve themselves by turning away from the short-sightedness, insincerity, and other character flaws. It’s often been said that it’s easier to attract flies with honey, rather than vinegar and the gentle, light-heartened words of inspirational sayings that are humorous -- rather than harsh like vinegar -- are testament to their power in motivating individuals to crawl out of the deepest holes as they climb toward new and even greater heights.
The glow of a smile not only fills a person’s body with energy, but also creates a radiance that inspires others. Funny inspirational quotes bring that warmth and light to a person’s life through the humor found in them. And the laughter resulting from these quotes can create a smile on your face that will light up the world!